Apotheosis Manga - Read Online For Free
- Apotheosis is a captivating webcomic created by Ranzai Studio that follows the journey of Luo Zheng, a young man who once belonged to a wealthy family but finds himself reduced to slavery due to family conflicts. His life takes a dramatic turn when he discovers his father's ancient book, which contains powerful divine techniques. This revelation sets him on a thrilling path to reclaim his destiny and challenge the fate that has been thrust upon him. With elements of magic and martial arts, Apotheosis offers readers an exciting blend of action and adventure as Luo Zheng strives to rise above his circumstances and unleash his true potential.
- Alternate Name(s): Apotheosis – Elevation to the Status of a God, Forged Success, Principles of Heavens - Zen’s Cultivation of Immortality, The Endless Road to Divinity, Становление богом, 百炼成神, Bai Lian Cheng Shen
- Author(s): Ranzai Studio
- Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts
- Type: Manga
- Released: 2015
- Official Translation: Yes
- Status: Ongoing (Scan), Ongoing (Publish)
- Tag: Manga, MangaKaKalot
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